Saturday, February 27, 2010

I hope you Have ben teeching the trooth.

When I was five years old, my grandparents were missionaries in Mexico. I was going through a box of old stuff the other day and came across this letter that I wrote to them:

Out of the mouths of babes.


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  1. So you were a skeptic since you were a child? That's awesome.

  2. Kids.....At that age, the "truth" is whatever the adults around them tell them it is.

    Nowadays, of course, it's you who are teaching the truth.

  3. Aww... that brings tears to my eyes.

  4. This is cute.

    THANK YOU for the e-i reminder!! That drives me crazy too.

  5. Glad to know you know better now. . .

  6. Saw the link on Friendly Atheist - it reminds me of the kind of thing I did as a kid. Oh, children and their little brains that absorb everything like sponges...

  7. Thanks for all the comments! I don't recall being skeptical when I wrote this letter. I remember being more concerned with drawing the heart (with its arrow going through it and what was supposed to be a lacy ruffle around the edge) than with the text.

  8. Glad to know you know better now. . .

  9. This is cute.

    THANK YOU for the e-i reminder!! That drives me crazy too.


Religion, skepticism, and carving out a spiritual life post-Mormonism