Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm a winner!

The winners of the 2009 Brodie Awards have been announced! I am honored to receive the Best Exit Story award for "The Rise and Fall of a Testimony."

The Best New Blog award went to a very worthy opponent, USU SHAFT! Congratulations!

Thanks so much to all of you who voted for me. Be sure to check out the full winners list. A lot of great writing out there!


If you enjoyed this post, I hope you'll check out my new blog.


  1. Congratulations! You completely deserved this one. I'd say you deserved the best blog, but I'm slightly biased.

  2. You have always been a "weiner" to me. Your work is tremendous. Congrats.


  3. Kudos!

    I too was the recipient of a recent blog award. It was called: "Me gave meself a blogger award meself cuz nobody else would award!"


  4. Congratulations, Leah! Keep on the good work on your blog!

  5. Tristan, Darren and Kriss, you all have great blogs! I might have to come up with my own fabricated awards to give out, because you deserve them!


Religion, skepticism, and carving out a spiritual life post-Mormonism