Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday

No antagonizing question today.  :-)

I am thankful that all my favorite people live under the same roof with me, and I am thankful that there is nothing I have to do today except be with them.

May you all be so fortunate. Happy Thanksgiving.



If you enjoyed this post, I hope you'll check out my new blog.


  1. I realized (again) over the weekend just how peaceful my life is and that I don't really have anything I feel guilty or overly regretful about, whereas a decade ago, guilt and regret and fear of eternal consequences occupied my mind on a near-constant basis.

    I'm so thankful I found my way out. I'm grateful for the peace and contentment that comes from living my life according to morals I've chosen for myself that make logical sense to me. I'm thankful my life belongs to me now.

  2. Helping others find that same freedom and peace of mind is why I do this.


Religion, skepticism, and carving out a spiritual life post-Mormonism