Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Funny: Good God, Bad God


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  1. Hahaha! I never thought of it like that before!

  2. Heh. I read that as "loose canon" the first time through...

  3. Jesus uses to hide behind humility and service, but actually he's a foot fetishist. He multiplies fish and turns water into wine so people won't pay attention to the raunchy, filthy look on his face when he's washing someone else's feet.

  4. The monistic view is of both Gods in the same time. Like the two sides of the same coin.

  5. Just today I was give a book to read -- God: A Biography, by Jack Miles (a former Jesuit).

    It looks like an interesting take on the almost schizophrenic, way-too-human nature of the 'Big Cheese'.

    Why is it I can never really catch up to my own reading list, let alone what other people give me to read?

  6. The monistic view is of both Gods in the same time. Like the two sides of the same coin.


Religion, skepticism, and carving out a spiritual life post-Mormonism